The Changing World of Publishing

by Charles Edge | at MinneBar 10

When I wrote my first book on OS X Server, it was printed and shipped, and one day I saw the book randomly show up in a Barnes and Noble. And that was the only way books got published. One day, my publisher told me to start a blog, which I begrudgingly did. 3,000 posts and 12 books later, the publishing industry has completely changed. In this session we'll go through why to publish content, how to publish content, where to publish content and if you actually want to get published in print, where to do that. I only know anything about technical publishing, so of course, we'll be talking about that and not how to be the next Hermann Hesse. Although who knows...

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Charles Edge

Charles Edge is the CTO of and the CTO/COO of Secret Chest and a former director at Jamf. He holds 35 years of experience as a developer, administrator, network architect, product manager, entrepreneur, and CTO. He is the author of 20+ books and more than 6,000 blog posts on technology, business, and history. Charles also serves on the board of directors for a number of companies and non-profits (including this one), and frequently speaks at conferences like DefCon, BlackHat, LinuxWorld, the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference, and a number of Apple-focused conferences. Charles is also the author of and a cofounder/host of the MacAdmins Podcast and The History Of Computing podcast. Personal/technical site, at link.
