Sustainability in Personal Tech - What can you do to help?

by Arvind Mozumdar | at Minnebar 19

Sustainability is often in the news, and often evokes strong and varying feelings in people. While there is a lot of focus of discussion on fossil fuels and renewable energy, there are smaller things that we as individuals and especially people working in technology can do to make a difference.

How big of a difference? While technology is considered one of the "long-tail" cases of sustainability, its impact is still substantial. For example, did you know that the estimated global carbon footprint of Internet and Communication Technology is comparable to that of aviation? Did you also know that 70-80% of the footprint is already expended even before you have unboxed your new smartphone?

In this presentation we will look at what are relatively small things we can do to systemically reduce the carbon footprint of technology. We will start with a conceptual framework of how sustainability is viewed, what organizations are doing in this space, and end with some recommendations on what we as individuals can do. There is no judgement involved in any of this discussion and the objective is to inform and inspire.


Arvind Mozumdar

I have been in the Data, Analytics and Technology space for 20+ years and have seen different generational changes leading to today's AI. As a consultant, I have worked across multiple industries and domains, leading large and small teams, both local and global. I focus on making the concepts of AI accessible and usable to companies.

I write frequently on Medium and post infrequently on Mastodon on multiple topics related to Artificial Intelligence, its applications, and impact on society, and business trends.

Personally, me and my wife care strongly about being responsible, equitable, and sustainable. As a dad, my time is spent doing all dad things like playing Fortnite, making puns, and coaching soccer. I have been a Minnesota resident for 15 years after having lived in a dozen different cities in 3 continents. I self identify as an avid traveler, reader, and constant learner. Having chosen Minnesota as my home, I have adopted the local custom of embracing disappointment by choosing to follow Minnesota United (Go Loons!).

You can also follow me on LinkedIn.

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