by Jack Cunningham | at Minnebar 19
Many digital teams begrudgingly seek accessibility “compliance” and fail to see its value as a core product strategy. In this session, we reveal how prioritizing accessibility drives growth and opens new opportunities for those who rely on assistive technology just as much as those who do not. Discover how native mobile accessibility functionality enhances user experience and offers value far beyond what is required to be inclusive.
The big takeaways you ask? 1. Get a grasp on how to deliver accessibly and do so in a way that isn't susceptible to business or political churn. 2. Walk away with some highly practical next steps you can start taking without having to get wide spread buy-in! 3. A chance to get to know some great people!
Jack Cunningham is the Director of Product Management at Livefront where he helps companies design, build, and grow digital products.
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