MacGPT: Customizing/Fine tuning GPT model for Macalester College

by Tenzin Gyaltsen | at Minnebar 18 | 1:55 โ€“ 2:40 in Louis Pasteur | View Schedule


In the burgeoning field of artificial intelligence, ChatGPT and large language models (LLMs) have captured the spotlight, demonstrating unprecedented potential to transform everyday life through advanced computational capabilities. Our project, MacGPT, harnesses the power of LLMs to specifically address the needs of the Macalester College community. Designed to answer queries related to the college, MacGPT serves students, staff, faculty, and prospective students, providing streamlined access to information and various applications.

This presentation will explore the foundational aspects of LLMs, focusing on the development and fine-tuning processes that underpin the creation of MacGPT. We will discuss the practical implications of this technology in an educational setting and the broader potential impacts on academic communities.

Presenters Tenzin Gyaltsen

Senior Computer Science student at Macalester College. Passionate about software development, Tenzin is deeply intrigued about the integration of AI technologies within educational frameworks to enhance institutional resources and student experiences.

Aalyan Arif Mahmoud

Senior Computer Science student at Macalester College. A tech enthusiast with a keen interest in software development, Aalyan excels in leveraging cutting-edge technologies to solve real-world problems.

Join us at Minnebar to delve into the exciting world of MacGPT and discover how targeted LLMs can revolutionize the educational landscape.


Tenzin Gyaltsen

Tenzin is a Tibetan Refugee born and raised in India. He completed his primary education at Tibetan Children's Village School before attending United World College - USA for high school. Tenzin moved to Minnesota in 2020 to study at Macalester College double majoring in Computer Science and Political Science.

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