Mobile App/Game Monetization - What's Under Your Hood?

by Steven Clift | at Minnebar 18

If you have a mobile app on Google Play and/or the Apple App Store with ad mediation on Admob, AppLovin, Unity/IronSource, etc. let's trade notes.

In-app purchases strategies are fair game as well.

(Please schedule before 2PM and not during Student Developers if possible.)


Steven Clift

Steven Clift (LinkedIn) is the CEO of GoodCarts, a startup building a network of hundreds (thus far) of purpose-driven ecommerce brands that cross-promote each other:

He is the founder of 1 Radio News - a highly rated world radio news app and the TV News app with over 2 million downloads on Google Play.

He is also a founder of - the world's first election information website back in 1994.

In 2013, Clift was recognized by the White House as a Champion of Change for Open Government.
