What I Learned Writing My Own Quantum Computing API

by Scott McKuen | at Minnebar 18 | 3:45 – 4:30 in Learn | View Schedule

I had a quantum computing hobby project that needed a certain feature. Nobody supported it. What to do? Much like Jurassic Park, this is one of those projects where you start out wondering if you could, but don't stop to think if you should. On the way, I taught myself the basics of gate-based quantum computing by building a basic quantum circuit emulator; I'd like to share some of the nitty-gritty details with you. Some topics: what's the use of a qubit? What's the use of two qubits? Reversible and irreversible logic! How to use all your RAM handling 4-bit integer comparisons! Curious about these what these very new, very experimental machines are supposed to be doing? Let's take a peek under the hood.


Scott McKuen

Math and Physics geek from Iowa - Iowa State, then UIUC. Twenty+ years in Silicon Valley, then moved back to the Midwest for a better quality of life. Lots of previous work in AI/ML and finance.

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