Building scalable, real-time apps with Laravel for fun and profit

by Misha Hawthorn | at Minnebar 18

I enjoy building web applications in a variety of different languages, and within PHP I find myself using the Laravel framework often. The wide and vibrant ecosystem of existing libraries that build on Laravel and the worldwide community of developers who work with it make it a joy to work in.

One essential aspect to many apps, depending on what you're building, is the ability to update information for the user as quickly as possible. There are a few approaches to doing this with Laravel and I'll walk through a few with some live coding demonstrations. Through the curated examples I also hope to show why the Laravel framework might be a great choice for your next project/startup! I plan to draw from and provide updates for a blog article I published over a year ago with some recent developments in that space.


Misha Hawthorn

Misha (they/she) is passionate about leveraging technology to empower people and foster positive change that enhances relationships and communities. When they're not staring at screens Misha enjoys geocaching and adventuring with her husband, and spending time with cats Mousey and Cicero. (blog) (github)
