Do you make Software? You could be living in Paris, Berlin, Warsaw ...
by Chris Macgowan | at Minnebar 18
Do you make Software?
Are you a Software Engineer, Designer, Architect, UI/UX, BA?
All these skills are transferable all over the world. Take the opportunity to use your skills to live and work in another country .. learn the culture, travel, meet new friends :-)
Chris Macgowan (Me, the presenter - nice to meet you) - Moved to Berlin in 1990 and worked for Siemens until 1992. There is a love story in here somewhere. He then moved back to Berlin again in 2008, until 2012. He'll share his experiences finding work, taking care of work visas and other permits (German only), not finding work, working in film, finding a place to live and more ...
Und vielleicht sprechen wir nebenbei ein wenig Deutsch – es bleibt genügend Zeit für Fragen zur Arbeitssuche, zur Besorgung von Arbeitsvisa und all dem Zeug. Eine Wohnung finden und sich vielleicht verlieben – he he he
Peace &Love Chris
Chris Macgowan
Chris Macgowan
Chris Macgowan is a Software Engineer, Filmmaker and Co-Founder of gstream
Chris has been building software since 1985.
Herrn Macgowan has worked on a couple movies!
After failing to become a Film Director - he went back to software. Chris has developed various applications running under Windows, Linux/Unix and now iOS. Back in 1986 - Chris wrote assembler targeting the 8051 Intel Microcontroller.
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- Twitter: @macgowan2