From Passwords to Passkeys, the evolving state of User Authentication

by Andrew Harasymiw | at Minnebar 18 | 1:55 – 2:40 in Theater | View Schedule

"Passkeys are putting passwords out to pasture."

You've probably heard the hype, and there's good reasons for it...

  • Passkeys are easier than passwords.
  • Passkeys are more secure than passwords.
  • Passkeys are more convenient than passwords.
  • Passkeys are already here.

So, with companies like Google, Apple, Meta, Amazon, and Intel behind the technology, why aren't we all using Passkeys everywhere yet?

During this talk, we'll dive into the concepts behind, benefits of, and tradeoffs involved with the most common user authentication methods in use today. By the end, you'll understand what Passkeys are, how they work, why everyone says they are better, and the challenges hampering wide spread adoption.

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Andrew Harasymiw

A low res image of a high res dude.

Andrew is a Software Engineering Instructor at Prime Digital Academy, a communicator, and a community builder. He thrives when learning new things and making them simple for others. Andrew lives in San Francisco, and works remotely. In his spare time, he enjoys learning about security, playing Dungeons & Dragons, cooking, gardening, and hanging out with his wife and cat. on Mastodon
aharasymiw on LinkedIn

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