
by Jenn Czeck and Jess Schalz | at Minnebar 18

BYOC - Bring your own craft (knitting, crochet, embroidery, cross stitch, etc)

Meet other crafters and work on your craft.

All levels

Jenn Czeck

  • Accessibility Consultant and Developer
  • Cyberpunk witch engineer from the future
  • Loves code and sparkles


Jess Schalz


Jess was a software engineer, but she liked turning technobabble into laymen’s terms too much and now she’s a technical writer. She lives in Minneapolis with her horrible cat Sudo.

Talk to Jess about:

  • technical writing
  • accessibility (physical and digital)
  • crochet or freaky little craft projects you care about
  • cats

Jess is queer, nonbinary, neurodivergent, and disabled. If you need someone to talk to during the event, come hang out.