The Dark Arcana of Chrome DevTools

by Victoria Perkins | at Minnebar 18 | 1:00 – 1:45 in Nokomis | View Schedule

Sure, you know how to navigate the Elements tab. And maybe you're a wizard in the Console. But have you ever tried to interpret the mysterious, inscrutable output of the Performance tab? Or read the tea-leaves of a Heap snapshot?

In this session we'll explore some of the more esoteric aspects of Chrome DevTools to better understand how our web apps are performing and identify memory bottlenecks before they become a problem.


Victoria Perkins

Policy analyst turned welder turned full stack developer with hands-on experience in JavaScript, React, Ruby on Rails, Java, and Spring. My unconventional background encapsulates my pursuit of constant learning as well as my skills in problem solving, project management, and design thinking.

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