Don't Quit Your Day Job! : When to Start Your Startup (and how to get it funded)

by David Duccini | at Minnebar 18

Don't Quit Your Day Job! At least not until you have burned up all your vacation or Paid Time Off.

You know you're ready to leave Corporate America and launch your startup when you've used up all your vacation time or Paid Time Off attending meetings with potential CLIENTS -- NOT just potential investors!

If you are prepared to face a week where every day feels like Monday (startup life in a nutshell) and you've embraced the idea of learning to love eating ramen purchased by the pallet then this session is for you!

We're going to SLICE through the top ten myths about the glamorous life of running a startup including :

  1. When to actually start
  2. When to get an advisory and how they should be compensated
  3. Solving problems people actually have, are willing to pay to have solved at a price point above what it costs you to solve it for them.
  4. Finding your tribe: "It's more fun with a friend" and how to "outsource your weaknesses
  5. Firing Your First Customer : "It's not me it's you" and encouraging others to "find success elsewhere". Say it with me, "No." is a full sentence!
  6. Raising capital at any stage : From F/F/F funding to ringing the bell on wall street and everything in between
  7. Learning to "ship early, ship often" -- the art of the pivot
  8. Recognizing and accepting failure -- and learn to accept that "nobody cares"
  9. Celebrating your successes -- and learn to accept that "nobody cares"
  10. Not the last train leaving the station: Learning to "Solve Your Today Problems"

Seasoned, as in salty, local technical founder with multiple exits, David V Duccini a serious software nerd with financial technology and financing chops will teach you how to recognize if you're doing something "For Vanity" or "For Profit" and what it takes to move from "Flounder" to "Founder"!


David Duccini

Responsible for Software and Security Architecture. David is on a dozen patents for Blockchain Technology with Wells Fargo and wrote his own unique crypto-currency called 2GIVE that had a market cap worth over 20 MILLION USD (at the peak). David has been an active member of since 2011, with status listed as Legendary. Additional experience includes founding an Internet Service Provider (ISP) that acquired seven competitors before a merger and a successful exit. David is a unique expert with a breadth of experience as a software security architect, successful tech entrepreneur, AND visionary with extensive practical experience in Regulated Financial Technology, Blockchain, Smart Documents, and Cryptocurrency. Neck Deep in Blockchain & Fintech for 9 – 10 years, Software for 25+

If you're curious about our master plan for Global Domination, check out the 2017 TECHdotMN 'Minnesota Moonshot' article to see where we've been and where we're going!

David recently joined the investment banking ranks on his way to launching a secondary market for securities sold under various exemptions. When he's not busy wrestling with regulators he enjoys donating his time, plane and pilot skills to "Pilots n Paws" a volunteer organization that helps move pets around the world!


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