Horror Movie Survival Tips: What To Do When the CDC Walks Off the Job
by Jason Hsu | at Minnebar 18
A common trope in stupid horror movies is the authority figures who prove to be too clueless and wimpy to protect the people from Jason Voorhees, Freddy Kruger, Michael Myers, Leatherface, Ghostface, and the killer dressed like the Gorton's Fisherman.
It turns out that the script writers are smarter than they seem, because the authorities are proving to be too clueless and wimpy to protect the people from COVID and Long COVID. Contrary to popular belief, the COVID-19 pandemic is NOT OVER, and people are still being disabled by Long COVID. Yet the CDC has effectively walked off the job. It's telling people to disregard its previous talking points about breaking the chains of transmission. The CDC has not only stopped supporting vaccine mandates and mask mandates but has also retracted its calls to stay home when sick.
Additionally, so many people have had their immune systems weakened by COVID that flu, RSV, and many other diseases have become more transmissible. People who used to get sick once every 5 years now spend more time sick than not sick.
In my opinion, even a "minor cold" is nasty. I cannot do much of anything if I have even the slightest hint of a fever. I've always hated sneezing, nose blowing, and the sensation of suffocation from a stuffy nose. The pandemic only multiplied my motivation to avoid sickness.
In this session, I will explain the precautions you should take to make yourself and those around you safer. These include not only the most obvious/proven/no-brainer precautions but also additional precautions in the category of "won't hurt but just might help". Topics include vaccines, N95 face masks, mask fit testing, DIY air purifiers (including Corsi Rosenthal boxes), DIY nasal spray, and a healthier diet. You'll get to see what kind of mask I choose to wear when sharing indoor air with lots of people, and you'll get to see some of my DIY air purifiers.