Why GitLab Flow is the most extraordinary way to develop open source software.

by Matt Genelin | at Minnebar 17 | 9:25 – 10:10 in Learn | View Schedule

There are many developer workflows: Git Flow, GitHub Flow, and GitLab Flow. Ultimately they are all alternative Git branching models that involve feature branches and multiple primary branches. It was first published and made famous by Vincent Driessen at Nvie. (https://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/) Compared to trunk-based development, Gitflow has numerous, longer-lived branches and larger commits.

Long-lived feature and development branches are dead.

Tagging commits is the future.

This 25 min talk will explain what GitLab Flow is and why it's the most extraordinary way to develop open-source software. We'll mention GitOps workflow for the infrastructure people. But this is a beginner talk and demo that shows how to do basic 'hello world' style code commits using this excellent workflow.

Plenty of time will be given for interactive questions and answers.


Matt Genelin

Matt Genelin is a Solutions Architect at GitLab. He manages and promotes Channel Partnerships with GitLab. Matt likes to answer technical questions about Git, CI/CD, Security Scanning, and GitLab Flow. His 19+ years as a Software Engineer provides the experience and wisdom of experiences in startups to fortune-10 companies.