Managing Your IT Career v14 – (Why do recruiters suck so bad?)

by Paul DeBettignies | at Minnebar 17

A lot has changed since we did this a year ago… and while these are usually fun, laid-back conversations, this one feels more serious.

I’ll start by talking about:

  • The current state of MN, Midwest and remote jobs and trends
  • What employers in town are saying, doing and planning for jobs this year
  • How I am thinking about the economy the next 3, 6 and 9 months
  • For those planning a job search later this year, I’ll have info to get you started
  • We’ll talk about LinkedIn profile makeovers and content to post

That’s where we’ll start.

Please bring your questions, thoughts and opinions.

Send them ahead if you like to be sure we get to them =>

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Paul DeBettignies

Paul DeBettignies is the Founder of Launch Hiring and is better known as “Minnesota Headhunter.” Recognized as a Talent Leader, for 25+ years Paul has sat at the intersection of talent advisory and talent strategy building software, tech, product and digital teams with startups and tech companies throughout the country with a focus on Minnesota and the Midwest while creating recruiting strategies for Fortune 500 clients.

He is a regional and national writer speaker, trainer, subject matter expert and trusted media source on recruiter, HR, career, job search, networking and social media topics.

Born and raised in Minneapolis, Paul despises bios and does not take himself as serious as this all sounds. He loves sunsets, fishing, gardening and still believes that one day the Gophers will go to the Rose Bowl.

Stay in contact with him by clicking: LinkedIn | @MNHeadhunter | Minnesota Headhunter Blog