Making Big Changes
by Matt Decuir and Don Ball | at Minnebar 17
How do you know when it's time for a big transition in your business or career (or life in general)?
This session will be geared towards working/thinking through big changes. It will be very informal. Come expecting to participate, think through, and/or answer some questions like:
- Do you need a change?
- What are the signs that you need a change?
- How do you feel about change – love it or hate it?
- Have you dealt with big changes in your journey?
- Might you need a change and not even know it?
All levels
Matt Decuir
Matt (he/him) is a software engineer, entrepreneur, and Minnestar board member. Past projects include Invisible Network, Mpls Jr Devs, and OMG Transit.
- GitHub
- Twitter: @experimatt
Don Ball
- Director of communications at GREATER MSP
- Co-founder of Fueled Collective
- Have started and quitted more things than most people.
- Motivated by dreams and big ideas – and encouraging others to pursue theirs.