Synchronizing your social security data between SSA.GOV web farm nodes

by Aba El Haddi | at Minnebar 17

The Social Security Administration(SSA), Medicare, Medicaid, and the Rail Road Retirement Board use EnduraData EDpCloud real-time file replication to synchronize data between web server farm nodes to ensure the same data is available to millions of US citizens and businesses who log in to any node of the web farm. The nodes run the RedHat Linux distro.

SSA signed a five-year contract with EnduraData to provide the software and annual support in 2022, and SSA renewed the support and subscription contract for the second year in February 2023.

EnduraData EDpCloud file replication and synchronization is a cross-platform and cross-operating system file replication software that runs on physical or virtual machines. It is also available as a container.

EDpCloud is all written in C except for the browser-based GUI.

If we have more time, we will also show how EnduraData's software works.

Visit link for more information.


Aba El Haddi

El Haddi is a software engineer and entrepreneur. Aba is the CTO and founder of EnduraData where he develops cross-platform automated secure file replication, synchronization, and sharing solutions.

El Haddi's experience spans more than 40 years in education, government labs, and the industry as an engineer, a scientist, a professor, and as a geek entrepreneur.

El Haddi holds DE, MS degrees in soil physics (IAV and UMN), an MS degree in computer science (U of MN), and an MBA (St Thomas). El Haddi is the co-founder of Constant Data (sold in 2005), and Hawk Technology(sold in 1998) and is the founder of Enduradata. El Haddi is a senior member of IEEE and a member of ACM.

El Haddi is a geek and writes lots of code in C to make networks and file systems talk to each other :-).

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