by Kyle Smaagard | at Minnebar 16
AI...ML...Deep Learning...These are all great buzzwords and any company out there in the tech space is certainly claiming they do some form of it (it's pretty much a requirement to be listed on any website selling a product nowadays).
But how do you 'really' do this in an effective way for your company?
First we'll do a brief overview of the concepts so everyone is on the same page with the terms we are using (and for beginners to keep up!)
Then we'll talk through a framework for thinking about AI/ML implementations in terms of company size/goals. We'll spend most of our time on small/medium size companies with a light touch on the differences for large companies.
Kyle Smaagard is a former Air Force Officer and self-taught programmer. His knowledge is all over the place including:
He taught himself to code in the middle of the desert and has leveraged that knowledge to be effective in building Android Applications and a 3d Printing business.
For his real job he works at an awesome company called Calabrio and for the last 3 years has been running an AI/ML research team.