Graph theory algorithms: Shortest path, max flow, and standing on the shoulders of giants

by Alex Korn | at Minnebar 16

How do mapping apps route you to your destination? How do logistics companies efficiently transport resources across the country? And how can you turn a gnarly programming problem into something that can easily be solved by existing libraries?

In this session, we'll start with a review of mathematical graphs--the kinds with nodes and edges, not the kind with axes and lines! We'll then look at a couple specific problems and discuss the algorithms to solve them.

Lastly, we'll look at resources to learn more about these powerful tools so that you can apply these to your next impossible-seeming programming problem.

Although this topic can get super deep, I promise not to bury attendees in Big O notation (asymptotic complexity), data structures, or mathematical proofs.


Alex Korn

Alex Korn was a mathematics major with a focus in operations research and graph theory. He's been programming since 7th grade and is still filled with delight every time he gets to convert a problem into a graph. He is CEO, co-founder, and long-time engineer at Symplany, which uses graph theory algorithms to solve many problems in the world of finance, including trading and building financial plans.

Outside of work, he loves skiing and biking, where he also tries to optimize his routes.


  • Twitter: @alexkorn