by Rob Sleezer | at Minnebar 16 | 2:50 – 3:35 in Learn | View Schedule
The goal of this session is to intentionally isolating and exercising reflective ability. Often repeated Yoda like statements about learning from mistakes (e.g.: "know for next time, I will") do little to cement experiential lessons or ensure effective future application knowledge. A key skill for extracting highest ROI from real world (and artificial world) learning is reflection. This section focuses on the development of reflective practice. Session participants look back upon an experience they learned from before pivoting forward to think about the application of the learning. Although we rarely have time to stop and explicitly reflect on experiences, by occasionally bringing purpose to the practice of reflection we can move towards making this powerful tool more instinctual.
Rob teaches at Twin Cities Engineering (TCE), a project based engineering program of Minnesota State University, Mankato's extended campus. He uses reflective practice to support the technical, professional, and design learning student engineers of TCE.