Let's talk about coding exercises
by Matt Decuir | at Minnebar 16
Fire up your hot takes, folks. This is going to be a fun one.
Whether you're early-career or have been coding for decades, nearly everyone has got a coding exercise story (or stories). And feelings too.
What makes for a good coding exercise? What makes for a bad one? Why is to so hard for companies to assess developers' technical skills? Is live coding better than take-home? Should they be timed? Should companies pay candidates for their time? What's the most equitable way to do coding exercises? (and the list goes on)
There are so many things to talk about here, and we're going to do our best to talk about all of it!
More details to come.
Matt Decuir
Matt (he/him) is a software engineer, entrepreneur, and Minnestar board member. Past projects include Invisible Network, Mpls Jr Devs, and OMG Transit.
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- Twitter: @experimatt