Covering Hollywood From Minnesota: How I Turned My Side Hustle Into A Successful Media Business

by Rick Ellis | at Minnebar 16 | 2:50 – 3:35 in Harriet | View Schedule

When I launched my own web site about 20 years ago, it was more of a place to post archived freelance pieces and stories that weren't a great fit for my "real" job. But after I was laid off 3 times in two years about a decade ago, I began freelancing fulltime. And that web site of mine eventually became a full-time business.

I'll walk you through how I made it happen, from the revenue side of the business to the logistics of covering the entertainment business from halfway across the country. currently gets about 2.4 million monthly unique visitors and I also have a free daily M-F newsletter that goes out to more than 20,000 subscribers.

Getting to this point required a brutal level of work and some luck. But maybe my story can help inspire you to take the next step towards making your dream come true.

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Rick Ellis

Rick Ellis is the founder of He's a former stand-up comic, syndicated talk show host & award-winning news journalist. His first paying journalism job was writing pieces for the Chicago Tribune and his first digital job was at Compuserve. AllYourScreens covers television and all things streaming from the friendly confines of the Twin Cities.
