Pivot! : Fail Faster By Shipping Early and Often (and how to stop caring along the way!)

by David Duccini | at Minnebar 15

Nobody F'ing Cares

From trying to get feedback on your business plan to A/B testing one of your next awesome-sauce features the reality is that the only person who really cares is YOU -- and you gotta get over yourself :-)

Being too early to market is not your today problem. Being too late might be.

Why did the VHS tape format beat out the clearly superior BetaMax? And why do people like me keep invoking that example when hardly anyone relevant anymore even remembers the "Be Kind Rewind" plea at long gone business models like "Blockbuster Video" ??

"Don't let the perfect get in the way of the pretty good"

The reality is that very few users will actually use 90% of the software you create for them. Hours will be wasted on features nobody cares about because entrepreneurs are often blinded by their own brilliance!

Say it with me: "Feedback is a gift!" ; but not all feedback is actionable...

In this likely expletive laden session we'll commiserate on how lonely it is to be right most of the time ;-)

By the end you'll learn to embrace the eventual heat-death of the universe and be at peace with the fact that nobody f'ing cares.


All levels

David Duccini

Responsible for Software and Security Architecture. David is on a dozen patents for Blockchain Technology with Wells Fargo and wrote his own unique crypto-currency called 2GIVE that had a market cap worth over 20 MILLION USD (at the peak). David has been an active member of Bitcointalk.org since 2011, with status listed as Legendary. Additional experience includes founding an Internet Service Provider (ISP) that acquired seven competitors before a merger and a successful exit. David is a unique expert with a breadth of experience as a software security architect, successful tech entrepreneur, AND visionary with extensive practical experience in Regulated Financial Technology, Blockchain, Smart Documents, and Cryptocurrency. Neck Deep in Blockchain & Fintech for 9 – 10 years, Software for 25+

If you're curious about our master plan for Global Domination, check out the 2017 TECHdotMN 'Minnesota Moonshot' article to see where we've been and where we're going!

David recently joined the investment banking ranks on his way to launching a secondary market for securities sold under various exemptions. When he's not busy wrestling with regulators he enjoys donating his time, plane and pilot skills to "Pilots n Paws" a volunteer organization that helps move pets around the world!


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