by Lindsay Sacco | at Minnebar 15 | Sat, Oct 17 • 9:00 – 9:25 in Nokomis Track | View Schedule

Finding the right price for your products or services can feel daunting and experimental. If you find yourself looking at your competitors for price guidance or using cost-based pricing, you're missing an opportunity to use your pricing as a powerful marketing tool.

The good news? As long as you deeply understand your customer, you can confidently price your products and services right. In this session, we'll teach you how to apply the Value-Based Pricing framework to your business so you can develop a winning pricing strategy that will resonate with your customers.

You'll learn about the Voice of the Customer, identifying which of those voices is most powerful in your industry, and how to apply these insights to a value based-pricing framework and set your prices. This is a beginner-level session, for those currently trying to set their prices, or for those who are looking to deepen their knowledge of pricing best-practices.


Lindsay Sacco

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