by Erin Wagner | at Minnebar 15
For the past three months, I have been using AppGyver's Composer Pro to build Gomigo, an app that helps you keep in touch with friends by automatically planning hangouts that work for everyone. (Launching soon)
In this session, I'll give an overview of: 1. What AppGyver can do 2. How to get started 3. Some of the more nuanced tricks and pitfalls I've encountered in my approximately 600 hours on the platform
AppGyver is a sophisticated enough to build just about any app, but also simple enough for a non-coder to be able to do 95% of the work on their own. There is a learning curve, but the price tag (FREE for any project with less than $10 million in revenue or funding) makes it worth the while.
After kicking off her career in PR measurement for companies like GLOCK, Logitech, Boeing, and J&J, Erin has spent the past six years in startup mode working on projects ranging from solar marketing to computer vision. Erin is bringing her hard-won knowledge to bear with the launch of Gomigo, an app that helps users keep in touch with friends by automatically organizing hangouts that work for everyone.