Podcasting Setup: Let’s Get Nerdy

by Tim Bornholdt | at Minnebar 15

If you have a smartphone, you can host your own podcast. It’s that simple.

But for those with analysis paralysis or who want to nerd out over equipment and software options, this talk’s for you.

I’ll get into the weeds of the right setup for your podcast, regardless of your previous podcasting experience. We’ll cover hardware, recording software, editing software, and hosting platforms. We’ll also talk about where you should physically record and what tasks you can outsource. We’ll wrap it up with an AMA (Ask Me Anything) about podcasting.

I’ve been working on podcasts for more than 10 years. I host a show called Constant Variables (https://constantvariables.co), where we explain how mobile app development works to people who don't like technical jargon. I also work on a show with Olympian Carrie Tollefson called C Tolle Run (https://ctollerun.com), where we interview elite athletes and other famous people who happen to be runners.

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Tim Bornholdt

Hello! 👋 My name is Tim Bornholdt, and I'm an entrepreneur, developer, and podcaster.

I'm a co-founder and partner at The Jed Mahonis Group. We specialize in building custom mobile software which helps businesses improve their processes. Some of our clients include Great Clips, Green Mill, Profile by Sanford Health, and USA CUP.

I've also been a part of the founding team with several Twin Cities-based companies, including mncraft.beer, VSI Labs, parrot.md, and Kwikly.

As a software developer, I specialize in delivering custom mobile software, with an emphasis on the back end. I love working with Ruby on Rails. I've been building websites since I was in first grade, so I have a lot of experience with what works on the Internet.

As a podcaster, I host a show called Constant Variables, where we explain how mobile app development works to people who don't like technical jargon. I also work on a show with Olympian Carrie Tollefson called C Tolle Run. We get to interview elite athletes and other famous people who happen to be runners.

Before I started JMG, I wanted a career in commercial and online video production. I was fortunate enough to get the opportunity to create videos for several organizations including Pepsi, the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, Unilever, and the Metropolitan Council.


  • Twitter: @TimBornholdt