Your domain has expired: stories behind domains we’ve let lapse
by Matt Decuir | at Minnebar 15
Have you ever had a great idea, bought a domain for it, and then subsequently never done anything with it? Or maybe you let it lapse long ago, and deeply regret it now.
If that hits close to home, then this is the session for you!
What to expect
This will be an audience participation-heavy session. Come prepared to share your favorite domain and the idea/story behind it, and also to be entertained.
With this session being fully virtual, you'll be able to share either via the chat in Crowdcast, or tell it live (with video) using Streamyard.
With only 25 minutes, we hope to hear as many domain stories as possible.
Matt Decuir
Matt (he/him) is a software engineer, entrepreneur, and Minnestar board member. Past projects include Invisible Network, Mpls Jr Devs, and OMG Transit.
- GitHub
- Twitter: @experimatt