Burn that notebook! Password management for the masses

by Jeff Lin | at MinneBar 10 | 9:15 – 10:05 in Gandhi | View Schedule

In this session, you will learn some tools and tricks to help you manage your ever-growing number of passwords. We'll walk through a password management tool such as 1Password and Dashlane and learn how to generate, store, and share strong passwords. If you follow the steps outlined in this session, you will never write down another password and you will never use your first dog's name or birthdate in your password again.

You'll learn how to:

  • Protect your online accounts by converting all your logins to use strong passwords such as rG%]9uk8f7&nfCb2@reRh8Z&NTp4x.
  • Log in to any web account without actually knowing the username and password.
  • Securely share a login with another person. Never email passwords in plain text again.
  • Synchronize your encrypted password database through the cloud to multiple devices such as a smartphone or multiple computers.
  • Securely store all types of information such as credit cards, bank accounts, social security numbers, addresses, coordinates to buried treasure, etc
  • Burn that notebook that has all your passwords.
All levels

Jeff Lin

Jeff Lin is the founder of Pennant and Bust Out.