🙀 Do you know you can save 💰 on SaaS?

by Andrew Rahn | at Minnebar 18 | 11:15 – 12:00 in Tackle | View Schedule

Are you tired of bleeding cash on SaaS tools? In this talk, we talk about our journey from myriad specialized SaaS tools to our adoption of Odoo, an open source ERP. Like many small businesses, we faced the growing costs associated with SAAS tools such as Harvest, Parallax, Docusign, and HubSpot. Odoo is an integrated suite of tools for businesses that can replace many of these expensive offerings.

We will share insights into the transition to Odoo and how it improved our operations and cost efficiency. We will demonstrate some simple workflows that replaced our former tools, share our experiences with customizations that enhanced our workflows, and detail our approach to hosting Odoo Community Edition on AWS. This session is for anyone interested in simplifying their software stack, enhancing operational efficiency, and exploring cost-effective, open-source solutions.

Finally I will encourage a discussion to hear what SAAS tools your business uses. How much do they cost? What is something you wish was out there that would really make a difference to your business?


Andrew Rahn

Andy is a partner at Modern Logic, a software development consultancy based in the Twin Cities. He's a geek, an oboist, dog lover.

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