by Andrea Edstrom | at Minnebar spring 2020 (canceled)
Creating beautiful complex animations in your application can be time-consuming. Who has the time to even think about doing that! GSAP 3 can step in and be a great animation library to speed up your animation process.
Why use GSAP 3?
It's small in file size, it takes care of the weird inconsistencies between browsers for a seamless experience and it's compatible back to IE9 without requiring browser prefixes!
How do you get started with GSAP 3?
CodePen is a great tool to use all the things GSAP 3 has for free and the setup is simple.
I will show how one small animation can evolve in a short period of time. All CodePen examples will be shared after the talk.
Artist, illustrator, senior designer/developer at Minnesota Public Radio. I started out in graphic design, then moved into web design and landed in front end development and design. You can view some of work at and on my I enjoy sketching and painting in my free time. I will be displaying my art at Art-A-Whirl in May at the Q.arma building. You can view some of my work at