SVG 0-35: A code-along

by Shalanah Dawson | at Minnebar spring 2020 (canceled)

SVGs are super rad!

This intro will help you write your first inline SVGs by hand. We’ll go over coordinates, basic shapes, clips, masks, color matrix filters, a little bit about SVG optimizations, and how I use all these techniques in my day job.

If you'd like to code-along bring your laptop and make sure to have a Codepen account (it's free).

All levels

Shalanah Dawson

Lead Frontend Engineer at White House Custom Colour in Eagan Minnesota

Shalanah has backgrounds in both art and math and feels most fulfilled when she gets to combine the two. In her spare time, she leads a Calligraphy Meetup, plays broomball year-round, and eats way too many Kit Kats.