The History of the Motorola 68000 Processor

by Ben Leadholm | at Minnebar spring 2020 (canceled)

A follow-on to the talk about the MOS 6502 processor given in 2019. This talk will detail the history of this 16 bit processor, and how it was used to build GUI-based computers like the Apple Lisa & Macintosh, Atari ST, and the Commodore Amiga.

Intrigue, back-stabbing, betrayal, mice.

One of the highlights of last year's talk was folks sharing their 8-bit computing experiences. We'll leave time at the end for more 'war stories' from the audience.

An old Mac may be brought for demonstration purposes.


Ben Leadholm

A developer for almost 25 years, starting out with Excel macros and parlaying those skills to an entry-level development position. From VB3 to Ruby (with a stint of .NET and Java in between). Ben is now contracting with specializations in Ruby, Python, and database migration.
