Misophonia - Coping With a Hatred of Sounds 😡 🎧

by Adeel Ahmad | at Minnebar spring 2020 (canceled)

Does the sound of people eating chips, clearing their throat, chewing gum, coughing put you in a rage?

You might have misophonia: a neurological disorder that causes a strong, irrational rage when hearing certain sounds - like coughing, crunching, throat clearing, dripping water, chewing, snapping gum, or repetitive noises, such as pencil tapping. Treatment might involve therapy or lifestyle recommendations, such as using sound protection or creating "noise-free" zones within living spaces. This is relevant for the tech community because of the need for deep concentration, and the proliferation of "open workspaces".

I started with doing a tiny session at Minnebar in 2017 and it has grown steadily ever since as more people realize they have this condition.

In November 2019 I launched The Misophonia Podcast which has already broken into the top 100 charts for Mental Health in Apple Podcasts.

This session is very informal - you can just come and listen to learn, or share your experiences if you like.

View and share the Facebook event

If you think you have misophonia - this session may change your life.

Some news articles on misophonia: NYT, NPR, Harvard, Psychology Today, Quartz

All levels

Adeel Ahmad

Head of Engineering at The Folklore. The premier wholesale platform to discover diverse and sustainable brands in global markets/

Founder/Principal at Lab 1908, a startup studio in St. Paul.

Investor/advisor at a bunch of startups around Twin Cities and San Francisco.
