What Tech Can Do About Climate Change

by Dan Lew | at Minnebar spring 2020 (canceled)

Climate change is here and we need to do something about it. Perhaps you’ve heard of actions you can take to help, but as a person in the tech industry, you want to know how to best apply your unique skills and position to the problem. In this talk, I’ll go over specific steps that people and companies in tech can do to help the climate change cause.

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Dan Lew

Dan Lew has code in his DNA and has been speaking since he was two years old. He's focused these skills on development for the past decade, working on many large applications (FlightTrack, Expedia, Trello) as well as maintaining some open source libraries and applications. Currently he works on the circular economy at Rheaply.

When not speaking, he's silent.

You can contact him on Twitter or read his website.
