Google Ads for Beginners Like Me: Small Biz Owner Edition!

by Toby Cryns | at Minnebar spring 2020 (canceled)

"Let's go buy our first Google Ads!" I exclaimed, not realizing the magnitude of the adventure I was about to embark on. That was 3 months ago, and I've learned a ton of N00b lessons that I want to share with y'all.

During this session, I'll share:

  • How to get started with Google Ads
  • How my process for buying ads has changed over the past few months.
  • How I do keyword research.
  • Things I got wrong + Things I got right.
  • Learnings that'll save you from a million headaches.

If all goes well, you'll leave this session with some helpful context + actionable next-steps to run your first Google Ads campaign!

I'm not a Google Ads expert, nor do I necessarily think you should buy Google Ads. I just want to share some hopefully-helpful knowledge and experiences with y'all.


Toby Cryns

Hi, I'm Toby Cryns!

I founded Minneapolis St. Paul WordPress User Group and The Mighty Mo! WordPress Design.

I also write for WP Tavern, blog about biz stuff and talk WordPress tech.
