WATCH, LISTEN, LEARN: How to Setup and Run a User Study

by Ken Krutsch | at Minnebar spring 2020 (canceled)

A good UX design process breaks down big challenges by infusing fresh perspective with proven tools and techniques. However, none of these tools or techniques are more insightful or guiding than a user study. User studies recalibrate focus by uncovering key customer feedback and perceptions. They are the biggest driver of product innovation to create a competitive advantage.

We presented a 50 minute session last year called: EVERYWHERE UX at Minnebar 14 in 2019. We would like to continue the UX exploration for the Minnesota Tech community by diving deeper into last year's content; this time focusing on the specifics of designing and executing an effective user study.


Ken Krutsch

I’m a seasoned technology and operations executive, product architect, and user experience designer.

My mission in life is to create great products and customer experiences. My design and technical creativity has garnered the industry's highest recognition.

Of note is Aireo for SoniqCast (CES Best of Show finalist in the Portable DAV category) and ICON Manager, winning numerous Editor’s Choice Awards as well as Best of Show finalist at VMworld. My clients benefit from 14 US patents, awarded as a result of my inventive product design.
