FPV Drone Cinematics: Shaping Space and Time with Mind

by Jason Kaasovic | at Minnebar spring 2020 (canceled)

Custom racing drones have an ability to move unlike any other creature or creation on this planet. As the technology improves, so too does the ability to capture compelling imagery and tell creative stories. This session is dedicated to filming with FPV drones, how they can be used, different styles and equipment, and general considerations.

The session will be led by local professional pilot, Jason Kaasovic, @intent2bhuman, who is a team pilot for Tinywhoop, local startups Airvuz and Hydra FPV, and a pilot mentor to South West High School in the MN Youth Drone Sports Championships series.

All levels

Jason Kaasovic

Daytime developer of solar projects in the Twin Cities, father to the world's fastest youth racing pilot, and owner of Sky Pirates FPV - a commercial filming group.

IG: intent2bhuman