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Mazie Thingelstad


Hi!!!!!! I'm Mazie Thingelstad, and I am a senior at Washburn High School this year! Before I get going here, I have a few people to thank- I don't think I would be here today without them. First of all, my dad, the world-renowned Jamie Thingelstad. I would definitely not be here without him. No, definitely not. Actually, I would probably be sitting in my house right now. Thank you so very much, dad. Really. Thanks. Next, my mom- Tammy Thingelstad. I really don't have much to thank her for. practically nothing. Whoops, probably shouldn't have even mentioned her at all. Sorry, mom. Just a twinge embarrassing. In fact, without the big Thingelstad, she would probably be keeping me company in the living room. And finally, last but not least, the kid of three sweaters, my brother, the glorious, the amazing, the fantastic Tyler Thingelstad. I owe such a big thank-you to him, like so big, maybe too big to even write out, just too much to express in words... okay, the jig's up. You guessed it, Tyler is lounging in the living room with my mom and I. Sooo, you may have guessed what's going on here. Okay, wait. I forgot that you are a really cool technology leader person. Let me restart. You know what is going on here and are currently typing a message about it on slack with your left hand while coding a new Java game based on my inspirational thank-yous with your right. Okay, cool. Got it. No need to let me know when you're ready with that game, okay? In all seriousness, I am Mazie Thingelstad, the daughter of Jamie Thingelstad, as many of you have probably assumed, and I am super excited to be here. Yes, my dad thought it would be fun if the whole family went to the event this year, and so here we are, not out of force but out of love and curiosity. It is my first Minnebar and, no matter how much I like to tease, I think this event is super cool. I love how open and free-form it is and how creative that allows presenters and attendees to be. That said, I may be one of the least technology-minded/interested people here. Hey, you better blow my socks off. Even if I'm not technology-minded, I am open-minded and willing to learn and grow, just like all of you. I am over the moon to be co-presenting with my dad and the rest of my family (to whom I have SOO much to thank, I just had to really lean in to my comical side up there), and attending some new and engaging sessions about a variety of topics! Now, a little bit about me, Mazie. You want to get my attention? Try any of these sure-to-catch Mazie bait: Piano, Bunnies, Dessert/Baking, Gardening, Outside, Guitar, Art, Athleta. Also, I don't want to ever grow up... sad face. Any sessions on that?! Okay, and just so you know when you meet me, I'm not anywhere near this funny in real life. Hence why I am not hosting a stand-up comedy session about technology. It takes me a while to get the jokes flowing, and my brother would say that even the jokes that do flow are not good. Phew, glad we're on the same page- just looking not to disappoint anyone. Adios everyone, see ya on that magical Minnebar day!

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